"Even when we fight And I put up a wall, I want You to climb over it And show me that you still care."
Sana's P.O.V.:
I went upstairs and sat looking at the moon. I just loved staring at the moon. It always amuses me and spread a smile in my heart. I got this habit of gazing the moon from Sheeba. At first, I felt it was weird and later I understood the importance of it. Like Sheeba said, 'whatever problems you are facing, always think there is someone else outside, who is going through much more worse than your situation. Feel happy and enjoy the little things which give you happiness.'
My thoughts went to our childhood days where Sheeba forgot to wear slippers and hopped onto her father's bike to reach school in a hurry. She didn't even realize, that she forgot wearing slippers. She realized it, only when the school got closed in the afternoon. The earth was kissing her legs, the heat of the sun made her skip her steps and I laughed at the reactions she made.
Seeing her in pain, Khayyum gave a piggyback ride to her half way and the other half was followed by Faiz. Gone were those days now. I was lost in my thoughts when someone kept a hand on my shoulder. I turned back to see Khayyum holding his guitar and gazing the sky.
Faiz's P.O.V.:
She was shouting at me for betraying her, her tears were falling freely and the way she looked at me that day made my heart crush into many pieces. Her questions started repeating continuously in my mind.
"How could you do that? So you are actually playing with me in the name of love just to win a damn bet? How much did you get or what else you won? How cheap of you. I pity myself for being played with you and I hate myself for loving you. I hate you Faiz. Are you listening to me? I. HATE. YOU. FAIZZZ. Don't ever show your face to me in this life."
I woke up with a jerk from my sleep and I tried to calm my raging breath. I got up quickly and went to the washroom to wash my sweat stained face. I splashed the cold water and it made my face to feel better. How I wished that this cold water could mend my heart and how I wished it to soothe my heart.
When I was in my college, I thought that heart was only for pumping blood. But she made me experience the feelings of love, the essence of belonging to someone. Now, till today I didn't move on from her. I was still there on the same path where she left me.
Tears started clouding my vision and I hated myself for breaking her heart. Nonetheless, I was happy that she was married and her husband loves her so much unlike me, who couldn't fulfill any promises of her except one. I went to the roof for getting fresh air to calm my nerves and my aching heart.
Khayyum's P.O.V.:
I escaped from Nikhat and started going towards roof, but to my utter dismay, Nikhat too started following me. I didn't know how to avoid her politely. I was thinking how to avoid her coming with me. Suddenly Ishu di came to rescue and took Nikhat with her. Ishu di was such an angel.
A grin settled on my lips broadly and I climbed the steps quickly. I was closing the door of the roof behind me as I noticed our Sana was standing there gazing at moon lost in thoughts. I kept a hand on her shoulder and she looked at me with a sad expression. I knew that something made her upset. I asked her the matter and she said that I should stop pestering her from talking about it.
Like a good boy, I gave her some space and stood next to her looking at the sky without any decorated clouds and the twinkling of stars. I was about to play the guitar when we got disturbed from our peace and heard footsteps of someone approaching. We turned around to look at the person and it was Faiz.
He was looking dull, his eyes lost the spark and were looking red. His hair was messy and flowing in the direction of the wind. By looking at him I understood that he got the same worst nightmare of his life. He approached us slowly and I scolded him.
Listening to our conversation, Sana said "Faiz I don't believe what you said was true or what happened exactly at that day, but it's high time that you should move on. For god's sake, she is married now and living happily. Why can't you move on? Or at least be with us as our old Faiz".
Faiz looked away from her and tried to speak something but he was unable to speak. I could imagine how he was showing that he was strong and was failing miserably at it. I switched the topic totally, asking her about Sajjad bhai.
Faiz looked gladly at me and Sana got totally disturbed with it. If it was Sheeba she would have found out and scolded us for changing the topic. God damn it. Why my thoughts always surrounded her? I shrugged it off and concentrated on what Sana was saying.
Again the topic ended at Sheeba's name. She said that Sheeba was acting weirdly and when she hugged her today morning Sheeba scolded her saying 'to not touch her'. Before I could ask why, Faiz beat me to it and questioned her. Sana replied "I don't know yaar, it's like she got electrified or remembered someone. She never did that to me. I backed off and kept my hand on her waist while talking, she again scolded me to not touch her."
Faiz uttered "Well that was weird until and unless something happened with her or maybe she got allergic. You should have asked her."
I lost listening to their fight and what Sana said next made my heart to beat fast. "Raiz is coming tomorrow.". The four words made me feel some disturbing past incidents which started to flood in my heart without a stop.
Sensing my restlessness, Faiz and Sana looked at me and quirked their eyebrows giving the 'we want to know what's the matter' look and I knew how it was hard to escape from them.
To my rescue, Afroz bhai came and shouted on us to go and sleep. We rushed downstairs to our rooms and I hopped on my bed thinking about tomorrow and what else was stored for me in my destiny.
I want everyone to read my books and be happy and sad at the same time. A place where everyone can feel related to my stories at one period of their life. I will always strive to be a good writer to my readers who love reading stories with a reality touch to it and enjoy escaping in the world of my story characters.
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